We wanted to go on a small vacation. When we went to Jamaica for 7 days we decided that was way too long. We found another all inclusive trip but this time to Cancun. Still being the newbies that we were, we chose the Jack Tar Resort again. The thought process here was that the last time we stayed there we didn't really like it too much because it was in Jamaica. We decided to give them another try but his time in Cancun. We did a 4day/3night vacation - all inclusive. (or was it 3day/4night?).

Our hotel was right next to the Ritz Carlton - Cancun. That was not a good way to start.

We did have a beautiful view of the Gulf (or was it the ocean?). Obviously, I'm not a geographic wizard. All I know is that it looked really nice.
We took a walk around outside of our resort. This was kind of cool. Nobody following us and begging us to come to their store. It was a nice little excursion until I stubbed my toe really bad. It was bleeding so we went to a little 7-11 and bought the most expensive band aids I've ever seen. I think the little box came out to $10 American.

All the street signs were in Spanish. I don't know why we were surprised considering we were in Mexico.

Our hotel was right on the beach. Across the street was a really pretty lagoon. That's me sitting on the ledge of the little lagoon.
These iguanas were all over. (we did not wish we were "eating barbecued iguana"...Get it?)

We spent most of the day just lounging around. It was really too cold still to swim and we were feeling antsy so the next day we signed up for a tour of Tulum. They are some old Mayan ruins. This was very cool. It was a REALLY long bus ride from the hotel to the ruins but once we got there, it turned out to be a beautiful day.

Above is a photo of the city of Tulum. The city is at the top of a cliff.
These people were very small. There were buildings with doorways and even we would have had to bend down to get through.

This was a sentry point (guarded, I'm sure). It's hard to believe that this wall has been here hundreds of years.

This was one of the towers. According to the sign, it's unlikely that it played any roll in defense of the city but there were three doors and then an alter at the back wall.

The next stop was Xel Ha (pronounced Shell Ha). It was a water park (which I think we were unaware of). Or maybe we knew. It was still too cold to swim. It's too bad, too because they had some nice water slides. We were here for most of the remainder of the day so we found a hammock and got comfy.

We left early the next morning to come back home. Over all, it wasn't a bad little trip. It was kind of short and I didn't really feel like we relaxed any. Although you wouldn't guess that based on this photo.
Hopefully, we'll go back to Mexico. Those all inclusive resorts are really a pretty good deal.
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