This was a very quick vacation to Missoula, Montana over Labor Day weekend. Why Missoula, you ask? We were invited to a wedding of a very good friend. In fact, J was actually in the wedding party.
We got there the night before the wedding and stayed at a Holiday Inn. We had to fly from Dallas to Salt Lake City and then take a puddle jumper to Missoula.

We had a few hours between the wedding and the reception so we drove around a little. This river went right through the middle of the town.

The reception was held at the snow bowl, which was a rustic ski resort up in the mountains.

It was very pretty up there. No snow yet. One of the girls was walking around up on the trail and she actually saw a bear. It was a great party. This place was actually a ski lodge so there were rooms in a wing to the right.
As I said, this was a really short trip. We flew up the night before the wedding, stayed for the wedding day and flew out the next day. The wedding was beautiful. Missoula was equally so. It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
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